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W. C. Privy's Original Bathroom Companion

Couverture du livre « W. C. Privy's Original Bathroom Companion » de Erin Barrett aux éditions St Martin's Press
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Here you sit, brokenhearted ...with nothing to read but the writing on the wallpaper? Don't get flushed with despair! W. C. Privy's Original Bathroom Companion is a book that's good for your heart - the more you read, the better you'll feel. Designed to make a porcelain throne into a seat of... Voir plus

Here you sit, brokenhearted ...with nothing to read but the writing on the wallpaper? Don't get flushed with despair! W. C. Privy's Original Bathroom Companion is a book that's good for your heart - the more you read, the better you'll feel. Designed to make a porcelain throne into a seat of higher learning, it's guaranteed to make a big splash with you, your friends, and your family. You want trivia, brain-teasers, facts, stories, or instructions on how to build an igloo? Then don't just stand there looking distressed - sit down and go with the guy whose name has become synonymous with the best in restroom reading: W. C. Privy!

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