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Vulgar the Viking and the Rock Cake Raiders

Couverture du livre « Vulgar the Viking and the Rock Cake Raiders » de Sarah Horne aux éditions Epagine

Vulgar is a Viking boy who longs for the glory days of raiding, pillaging and enormous beards. Life in the village of Blubber is so dull, it';s all knitting and goat-herding and yawwwnnn. Vulgar feels it';s up to him to introduce a bit of mayhem and chaos, and just as soon as he';s finished... Voir plus

Vulgar is a Viking boy who longs for the glory days of raiding, pillaging and enormous beards. Life in the village of Blubber is so dull, it';s all knitting and goat-herding and yawwwnnn. Vulgar feels it';s up to him to introduce a bit of mayhem and chaos, and just as soon as he';s finished juggling with elk manure, he';s going to relish the challenge.

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