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Virgin Doubt & Pussy and Mouse

Couverture du livre « Virgin Doubt & Pussy and Mouse » de Learner Tobsha aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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VIRGIN: A disillusioned young nun goes to a Greek island to renew her faith. In a parade she touches a holy relic: the withered nipple of a saint.This propels her into an supernatural and erotic odyssey of emotional and sexual fulfilment.
DOUBT: A famous cuckolded conductor on tour sweats his... Voir plus

VIRGIN: A disillusioned young nun goes to a Greek island to renew her faith. In a parade she touches a holy relic: the withered nipple of a saint.This propels her into an supernatural and erotic odyssey of emotional and sexual fulfilment.
DOUBT: A famous cuckolded conductor on tour sweats his self-doubt out in a sexual fantasy of submission and naughty schoolgirls, until he is awoken by strange sounds in next hotel room next door.
PUSSY & MOUSE: Cassandra is an overweight telesales rep who lives a whole sexual fantasy life through her avatar, who is a famous porn star on Second Life. She is convinced all her desires are fulfilled until real life beckons.
Three tales from Tobsha Learner's sensuous trilogy of erotica: Yearn, Quiver and Tremble.

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