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Two Little Boys

Couverture du livre « Two Little Boys » de Sarkies Duncan aux éditions Murray John Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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This book has got a lot of good bits.It's got penguins and toasted sandwiches and spotting knives.It's got a dead cat and anincredibleclimax.It's got a really little dolphin.It's got sea lions.It's got God.It's got a really cool lighthouse.When Nige runs over a Norwegian backpacker while... Voir plus

This book has got a lot of good bits.It's got penguins and toasted sandwiches and spotting knives.It's got a dead cat and anincredibleclimax.It's got a really little dolphin.It's got sea lions.It's got God.It's got a really cool lighthouse.When Nige runs over a Norwegian backpacker while attempting to save petrol, his life really turns to shit. Hethrowsthe body in a nearby road works and runs to his best mate of fifteen years, Deano.The trouble is, Deano's not really the guy you should turn to in a crisis.

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