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Theophile : die sagenhafte geschichte eines eleganten giganten

Couverture du livre « Theophile : die sagenhafte geschichte eines eleganten giganten » de Marc Beauge aux éditions Hatje Cantz

Theophile is tall, in fact, very tall. The bigger he gets, the more this size complicates his life. One day, he discovers the fine store of a tailor, which becomes a revelation for him: Here, Theophile feels comfortable and the clothes fit him like a glove. In these tailored suits, Theophile... Voir plus

Theophile is tall, in fact, very tall. The bigger he gets, the more this size complicates his life. One day, he discovers the fine store of a tailor, which becomes a revelation for him: Here, Theophile feels comfortable and the clothes fit him like a glove. In these tailored suits, Theophile finds himself beautiful for the first time. He discovers elegance - and acceptance of his otherness. Lovingly and entertainingly, this beautiful tale with its attractive drawings about fashion and craftsmanship introduces readers to current issues around diversity, multiplicity, and self-empowerment. It is sure to inspire young and adult readers alike.

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