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The Trailsman #396

Couverture du livre « The Trailsman #396 » de Sharpe Jon aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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Skye Fargo has spent weeks with the U.S. Army Camel Corps, trying to create a supply train across the Mojave Desert. But after fighting Indians, bushwhackers, and nature itself, his deadliest foe appears: Pablo 'the Scorpion' Alvarez. And that savage killer will let no one, not even the... Voir plus

Skye Fargo has spent weeks with the U.S. Army Camel Corps, trying to create a supply train across the Mojave Desert. But after fighting Indians, bushwhackers, and nature itself, his deadliest foe appears: Pablo 'the Scorpion' Alvarez. And that savage killer will let no one, not even the Trailsman, survive his fury....

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