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The Queen Must Die

Couverture du livre « The Queen Must Die » de Quinn K A S aux éditions Atlantic Books Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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This is the story of Katie Berger-Jones-Burg. One minute, she's under the bed of her New York apartment... the next she's in Buckingham Palace, at the height of Queen Victoria's reign... A dangerous place to be.The Royal Family is in mortal peril. In the secret passages of the palace, a plot is... Voir plus

This is the story of Katie Berger-Jones-Burg. One minute, she's under the bed of her New York apartment... the next she's in Buckingham Palace, at the height of Queen Victoria's reign... A dangerous place to be.The Royal Family is in mortal peril. In the secret passages of the palace, a plot is afoot. Suspicious figures huddle in the gas-lit streets of London. And Katie is not the only time-traveller in the city...

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