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The Little Book of Anxiety

Couverture du livre « The Little Book of Anxiety » de Sackville Kerri aux éditions Biteback Publishing Digital
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Are you feeling okay? Is something worrying you? Feeling a little ... anxious? You could try thinking positive, meditation, exercise, dancing like no one';s watching. Or you could read this book and reassure yourself that through the agonies of sleepless nights and irrational fears, you are not... Voir plus

Are you feeling okay? Is something worrying you? Feeling a little ... anxious? You could try thinking positive, meditation, exercise, dancing like no one';s watching. Or you could read this book and reassure yourself that through the agonies of sleepless nights and irrational fears, you are not alone. With humour, insight and searing honesty, The Little Book of Anxiety explores the trials and sheer absurdities of living a worried life. From crazed nail biting to fearing her husband is dead when he';s late home from work, Kerri Sackville is the poster girl for panic and an expert on how to ride its adrenalin wave. This book may very well save your sanity.

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