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The Habits of Effective Leadership

Couverture du livre « The Habits of Effective Leadership » de Markman Art aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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In the internationally acclaimed Smart Thinking, leading cognitive scientist Art Markman presented a three-part formula to help you acquire the skills to innovate, think big and outperform your rivals. Now, he's back with more tools and tips to help you get ahead in the workplace.
The Habits... Voir plus

In the internationally acclaimed Smart Thinking, leading cognitive scientist Art Markman presented a three-part formula to help you acquire the skills to innovate, think big and outperform your rivals. Now, he's back with more tools and tips to help you get ahead in the workplace.
The Habits of Effective Leadership explores the impact of personality and habits on your potential to be a great leader. Great leaders have just the right mix of what Art Markman terms the 'Big 5' characteristics: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness and emotional stability, as well as certain key habits. Using the unique personality profiler provided, you can determine your own strengths and weaknesses and then apply this knowledge to develop your own smart habits using the tips and tools in the book.
The potential for greatness is in everyone. The Habits of Effective Leadership will show you how to develop and use your own innate gifts.

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