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The Epics of Kings: Hero Tales of Ancient Persia

Couverture du livre « The Epics of Kings: Hero Tales of Ancient Persia » de Firdausi aux éditions Ebookslib
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KAIUMERS first sat upon the throne of Persia, and was master of the world. He took up his abode in the mountains, and clad himself and his people in tiger-skins, and from him sprang all kindly nurture and the arts of clothing, till then unknown. Men and beasts from all parts of the earth came to... Voir plus

KAIUMERS first sat upon the throne of Persia, and was master of the world. He took up his abode in the mountains, and clad himself and his people in tiger-skins, and from him sprang all kindly nurture and the arts of clothing, till then unknown. Men and beasts from all parts of the earth came to do him homage and receive laws at his hands, and his glory was like to the sun. Then Ahriman the Evil, when he saw how the Shah´s honour was increased, waxed envious, and sought to usurp the diadem of the world

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