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The Crystal Age

Couverture du livre « The Crystal Age » de W.H. Hudson aux éditions Ebookslib
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Romances of the future, however fantastic they may be, have for most of us a perennial if mild interest, since they are born of a very common feeling - a sense of dissatisfaction with the existing order of things, combined with a vague faith in or hope of a better one to come. The picture put... Voir plus

Romances of the future, however fantastic they may be, have for most of us a perennial if mild interest, since they are born of a very common feeling - a sense of dissatisfaction with the existing order of things, combined with a vague faith in or hope of a better one to come. The picture put before us is false; we knew it would be false before looking at it, since we cannot imagine what is unknown any more than we can build without materials

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