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The Clown Egg Register

Couverture du livre « The Clown Egg Register » de Luke Stephenson Helen Champion aux éditions Penguin Books Ltd Digital
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For clown lovers and art lovers alike, the only collection of clown faces painted on eggs anywhere in the worldThe Clown Egg Register is a unique record of two hundred and fifty clown faces, each one painted on to an egg. The eggs act as copyright for a clown's personal visual identity,... Voir plus

For clown lovers and art lovers alike, the only collection of clown faces painted on eggs anywhere in the worldThe Clown Egg Register is a unique record of two hundred and fifty clown faces, each one painted on to an egg. The eggs act as copyright for a clown's personal visual identity, preserving the unwritten rule that a clown must never copy the face of another. It is a tradition that began in the United Kingdom in the 1940s at Clowns International, the oldest established club for clowns.In this book, the inimitably eccentric collection of images is paired with biographies of each clown, revealing details of their private and public lives, and giving a glimpse into this outmoded art form that continues to delight and terrify children everywhere.

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