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The Charismatic Century

Couverture du livre « The Charismatic Century » de Moore S David aux éditions Faitwords
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The most profound event in modern church history took place not in a cathedral but in a clapboard church in Los Angeles. A small congregation of mostly African American worshipers embraced the concept that New Testament signs and wonders were still available in the early twentieth century. Their... Voir plus

The most profound event in modern church history took place not in a cathedral but in a clapboard church in Los Angeles. A small congregation of mostly African American worshipers embraced the concept that New Testament signs and wonders were still available in the early twentieth century. Their dramatic spiritual revival, which became known as the Azusa Street Revival, attracted believers worldwide and launched the modern Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. This event forever changed Christian worship, music, and expression. In commemoration of Azusa Street's 100th anniversary, Jack Hayford tells the story, revealing how Christians are still experiencing its impact.

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