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The Art Of Possibility

Couverture du livre « The Art Of Possibility » de Zander Benjamin aux éditions Adult Pbs
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Adult Pbs
  • EAN : 9780142001103
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier
  • Nombre de pages : (-)
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : (-)
  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

A NATIONAL BESTSELLER Discover the twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity and a sense of possibility into all of your endeavors in this bestselling guide from the author of Pathways to Possibility Presenting twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity into all... Voir plus

A NATIONAL BESTSELLER Discover the twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity and a sense of possibility into all of your endeavors in this bestselling guide from the author of Pathways to Possibility Presenting twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity into all human endeavors, The Art of Possibility is the dynamic product of an extraordinary partnership. The Art of Possibility combines Benjamin Zander's experience as conductor of the Boston Philharmonic and his talent as a teacher and communicator with psychotherapist Rosamund Stone Zander's genius for designing innovative paradigms for personal and professional fulfillment. The authors' harmoniously interwoven perspectives provide a deep sense of the powerful role that the notion of possibility can play in every aspect of life. Through uplifting stories, parables, and personal anecdotes, the Zanders invite us to become passionate communicators, leaders, and performers whose lives radiate possibility into the world.

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