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The Actor and the Target

Couverture du livre « The Actor and the Target » de Donnellan Declan aux éditions Hern Nick Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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A fresh and radical approach to acting by a world-famous director. 'This new "Advice to the Players" cuts open every generalisation about acting and draws out gleamingly fresh specifics. Behind the joy and humour of the writing, Declan Donnellan is subtly leading young actors to an awareness of... Voir plus

A fresh and radical approach to acting by a world-famous director. 'This new "Advice to the Players" cuts open every generalisation about acting and draws out gleamingly fresh specifics. Behind the joy and humour of the writing, Declan Donnellan is subtly leading young actors to an awareness of the living processes behind their work. He brings as evidence the rich field of thought and intuition that direct experience has made his own.' - Peter Brook

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