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Get up to speed on the newest version of Word with visual instructionMicrosoft Word is the standard for word processing programs, and the newest version offers additional functionality you'll want to use. Get up to speed quickly and easily with the step-by-step instructions and full-color screen shots in this popular guide! You'll see how to perform dozens of tasks, including how to set up and format documents and text; work with diagrams, charts, and pictures; use Mail Merge; post documents online; and much more. Easy-to-follow, two-page lessons make learning a snap.Full-color, step-by-step instructions show you how to perform all the essential tasks of Microsoft Word 2013Explains how to set up and format documents, edit them, add images and charts, post documents online for sharing and reviewing, and take advantage of all the newest features of WordPrevious editions have sold more than 220,000 copiesThe Visual learning system makes it easy to learn more while reading lessTeach Yourself VISUALLY Word 2013 helps you master the most popular word processing program quickly, easily, and visually.
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