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This work offers a summary of the book "CONTAGIOUS SUCCESS: Spreading High Performance Throughout Your Organization" by Susan Annunzio.
Susan Annunzio is the founder and CEO of the Hudson Highland Center for High Performance. She specializes in working with corporate leaders to help them maximize their returns on strategic, financial and human capital investments.
To attempt to identify the management behaviors which accelerate profitable growth, an in-depth study of 3,000 knowledge workers around the world was carried out. Although 77-percent of these respondents claimed they belonged to a high-performing workgroup, only 10-percent of them actually belonged to workgroups that generated profitable new products, services or processes. In other words, even the best performing business units could do much better if company leaders could better harness the employee brainpower they already have available.
In Contagious Success, Annunzio explains how to respond to the changing demands of the marketplace and to succeed in growing. According to her, "to be a winner, you need to achieve results the right way. Once you do that, success is contagious".
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