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Street art characters !

Couverture du livre « Street art characters ! » de Louis Bou aux éditions Monsa
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Monsa
  • EAN : 9788493623616
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Street art is any art done on a public space and the term include traditional graffiti, stencils, sticker art, video projection and street installations. Characters are fundamental in the contemporary street art world and we can find all sort of caricatures made of spray, charcoal, acrylic,... Voir plus

Street art is any art done on a public space and the term include traditional graffiti, stencils, sticker art, video projection and street installations. Characters are fundamental in the contemporary street art world and we can find all sort of caricatures made of spray, charcoal, acrylic, markers and also in posters and stickers. This book shows celebrities, monsters, animals, outer space visitors, divas and tramps, the villains and the heroes drawn on the walls of cities such as New York, London and Barcelona.

Street art es cualquier obra de arte realizada en un espacio público y el término incluye desde el graffiti tradicional, las plantillas, stickers y hasta vídeo proyecciones. Los personajes son fundamentales en el street art contemporáneo y podemos encontrar un amplio abanico de caricaturas hechas con spray, tiza, acrílico o rotulador. Este libro nos muestra a héroes y villanos dibujados en las paredes de ciudades como Nueva York, Londres, París o Barcelona.

Ouvrage essentiellement composé de photos urbaines de personnages stylisés, texte introductif bilingue, anglais et espagnol.

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