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Saving Christianity

Couverture du livre « Saving Christianity » de Wakeman Hilary aux éditions The Liffey Press Digital
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'I believe, because it is impossible'; (Tertullian, 2nd century) Some of the statements of belief that Christians are required to assent to, such as the Virgin Birth and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus, are driving many of them out of the Catholic and Protestant churches--and preventing new... Voir plus

'I believe, because it is impossible'; (Tertullian, 2nd century) Some of the statements of belief that Christians are required to assent to, such as the Virgin Birth and the bodily Resurrection of Jesus, are driving many of them out of the Catholic and Protestant churches--and preventing new people from coming in. Yet those statements were formulated nearly two thousand years ago, in a time when people understood the world very differently. For over 150 years theologians of all denominations have been warning the Church that, if it is not to become extinct, it needs to look for the truths that lie behind those ancient formulations, and find new ways of presenting them. But their words have been ignored by the church authorities and by priests and ministers, preferring not to disturb the present faith of their congregations. And so the gap between the theologians and the people in the pews continues to widen. Now many Christians are taking their beliefs into their own hands. Increasingly, they are meeting in small groups and communities, without formal leadership and without formal doctrine, ignoring denominational differences yet bringing the best of their various traditions with them. Is this the Christianity of the future? In this book Hilary Wakeman, a recently retired priest in the Church of Ireland, talks about the difference between right-brain and left-brain approaches to faith and religion, and considers some of the ways that the core doctrines of Chritianity can be re-stated so that they can be expressed with honesty and integrity.

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