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Perfect Serenity

Couverture du livre « Perfect Serenity » de Conan Hollander aux éditions Rangaku Production Graphics
  • Nombre de pages : (-)
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : (-)
  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Perfect Serenity A graphic novel like you have never seen before. A work of art with a deep story about technology, theology and a highly controlled society. Follow an elite assassin on a day of work, ordered to correct disturbances in the city. While waiting for his next order he unlocks... Voir plus

Perfect Serenity A graphic novel like you have never seen before. A work of art with a deep story about technology, theology and a highly controlled society. Follow an elite assassin on a day of work, ordered to correct disturbances in the city. While waiting for his next order he unlocks a memory that will change everything. Witness awesome action sequences, technology you have never seen before and a story that will never let you go.

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