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One Magic Square

Couverture du livre « One Magic Square » de Houbein Lolo aux éditions Uit Cambridge Ltd.
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Fully revised for UK and Northern European climates. The best and cheapest food is the food you grow in your own garden. One Magic Square shows how you can start your own productive food garden in ten minutes a day on a single square metre. With simple plot designs starting with salads and... Voir plus

Fully revised for UK and Northern European climates. The best and cheapest food is the food you grow in your own garden. One Magic Square shows how you can start your own productive food garden in ten minutes a day on a single square metre. With simple plot designs starting with salads and gradually expanding to include beans, tomatoes, corn, roots and much more; you can take the first steps in growing your own food organically. These bite-sized designs allow you to extend by one square metre each season, or pick your favourites to add a bit of excitement to your cooking. The magic of square-metre gardening is in allowing you to keep your garden manageable even as your self-sufficiency increases. The book covers: How to grow food one square metre at a time Plot designs from basic to complex, with Ideas for specific diets and tastes Ideas for moving towards food self-sufficiency Tips and tricks Descriptions of food plants The benefits of companion planting For beginners and more experienced gardeners, this book has a wealth of information and guidance.

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