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Once-Told Tales

Couverture du livre « Once-Told Tales » de Peter Kivy aux éditions Wiley-blackwell
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Drawing comparisons with other art forms, this book examines the role of aesthetic features in silent reading, such as narrative structure, and the core experience of reading a novel as a story rather than a scholarly exercise. Focuses on the experience of the art form known as the novelUses the... Voir plus

Drawing comparisons with other art forms, this book examines the role of aesthetic features in silent reading, such as narrative structure, and the core experience of reading a novel as a story rather than a scholarly exercise. Focuses on the experience of the art form known as the novelUses the more common perspective of a reader who readsto be told a story, rather than for scholarly or critical analysisDraws comparisons with experience of the other arts, music in particularExplores the different effects of a range of narrative approaches

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