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Occupy: American Spring

Couverture du livre « Occupy: American Spring » de Sexton Buck aux éditions Mercury Ink
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Glenn Beck TV and Blaze correspondent Buck Sexton goes behind the scenes at Occupy Wall Street and explores the radical roots and revolutionary goals that lie beneath the not-so-ragtag movement.
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) became the biggest news story in the world during the fall of 2011. Under... Voir plus

Glenn Beck TV and Blaze correspondent Buck Sexton goes behind the scenes at Occupy Wall Street and explores the radical roots and revolutionary goals that lie beneath the not-so-ragtag movement.
Occupy Wall Street (OWS) became the biggest news story in the world during the fall of 2011. Under the banner of the "99%", the Occupiers spread their message of class warfare and revolution across the globe.;;;; Using cutting-edge digital media propaganda combined with the street protest strategies honed by 1960s radicals, OWS has already changed our political system. ;;;; Now they seek to change our future.;;;; The American Spring has arrived. The Occupiers plan to dominate news headlines by using direct action protests across the country during this pivotal presidential election year. They intend to take to the streets in every major U.S. city. The stakes could not be higher.;;;; Buck Sexton, a former CIA counterterrorism and counterinsurgency analyst, has covered the Occupiers from the start. He's infiltrated their marches and "general assemblies" at every major OWS event to uncover the truth about this neo-Marxist movement. With a focus on history, ideology and tactics, Sexton breaks down OWS-'and its plans for reshaping America.

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