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Machiya: the traditional townhouses of Kyoto

Couverture du livre « Machiya: the traditional townhouses of Kyoto » de Colectif aux éditions Pie Books
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Pie Books
  • EAN : 9784756253026
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Les machiya, maisons de villes en bois traditionnelles, occupent une place centrale dans l'architecture de la ville de Kyoto. Alors que certaines ont été détruites par la modernisation de la ville, d'autres demeurent une attraction majeure pour les touristes et amateurs de constructions... Voir plus

Les machiya, maisons de villes en bois traditionnelles, occupent une place centrale dans l'architecture de la ville de Kyoto. Alors que certaines ont été détruites par la modernisation de la ville, d'autres demeurent une attraction majeure pour les touristes et amateurs de constructions anciennes. Cet ouvrage bilingue japonais/anglais largement illustré explore l'atmosphère historique typique des machiya tout en révélant en image l'ingéniosité de leur construction qui permettait d'optimiser espace et vie pratique.

The definitive book on machiya showcasing their traditional appearance and recent transformation explained in bilingual text.
From private residences to renovated properties operating as businesses, this book introduces everything you need to know about Machiya, also including never-before-seen cultural properties, with detailed and accessible commentary in bilingual text. Machiya are traditional wooden townhouses found throughout Japan and typified in the historical capital of Kyoto. Machiya in Kyoto have kept their traditional architectural form and community, creating a historic and traditional cultural atmosphere that attracts many tourist from all around the world. Machiya have become valuable cultural heritage, as many machiya have disappeared and have been replaced by modern houses. In this book readers can see and feel the ideas and wisdom of the people in Kyoto, who made full useof machiya design and the architectural characteristics of that optimize space and practicality, while keeping within the tradition. This book will not only be a perfect architectural reference book but also a great photography book to enjoy the delicate beauty of Japan.

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