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Inside Steve's Brain

Couverture du livre « Inside Steve's Brain » de Leander Kahney aux éditions Atlantic Books Digital
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It is hard to believe that the same man revolutionized computers in the 1970s and '80s (with the Apple II and the Mac), animated movies in the 1990s (with Pixar), and put digital music on the map in the 2000s (with the iPod and iTunes). Inside Steve's Brain cuts through the cult of personality... Voir plus

It is hard to believe that the same man revolutionized computers in the 1970s and '80s (with the Apple II and the Mac), animated movies in the 1990s (with Pixar), and put digital music on the map in the 2000s (with the iPod and iTunes). Inside Steve's Brain cuts through the cult of personality that surrounds Jobs to unearth the secrets that underlie his success. In Inside Steve's Brain, Kahney distills the principles that guide Jobs as he launches killer products, attracts fanatically loyal customers, and manages some of the world's most powerful brands. The result is a unique book: part biography and part leadership guide, impossible to put down.

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