Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
Modern manners leave a lot to be desired. In 'How the Queen can Make You Happy' Mary Killen, etiquette expert, mixes wit and polemic to make the case for civilised conduct - based on the ultimate role model, HM the Queen. In the year of her diamond jubilee, Mary argues that the Queen represents the best of British behaviour - which is why she is held in such high esteem around the world. Now you can use examples from her own life to navigate life';s social complexities with ease and good grace. Entries include: - how to manage difficult pets - how to deal with bores - how to address an insult - how to dress properly and many more. Examining such under-rated virtues as discretion, politeness and kindness, 'How the Queen can Make You Happy' is a humorous celebration of long-held British values in an age where discretion is not generally the better part of value. Never mind the curtsey, where's the courtesy?
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Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
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