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Harlequin Comics: Forbidden or for Bedding?

Couverture du livre « Harlequin Comics: Forbidden or for Bedding? » de Julia James et Yuri Kanoko aux éditions Harlequin/sb Creative Corp.
  • Nombre de pages : (-)
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Professional painter Alexa Harcourt has just been commissioned for a portrait of Guy de Rochemont, the young head of Europe's most prestigious banking institution. At first Alexa holds nothing but contempt for the rich playboy because he treats their sitting time so frivolously, but even as her... Voir plus

Professional painter Alexa Harcourt has just been commissioned for a portrait of Guy de Rochemont, the young head of Europe's most prestigious banking institution. At first Alexa holds nothing but contempt for the rich playboy because he treats their sitting time so frivolously, but even as her irritation grows, Alexa somehow finds herself drowning in Guy's emerald eyes. When he eventually wraps his arms around her, Alexa realizes there's no escaping her true feelings...

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