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From tantalizing appetizers to delicious desserts, The Gluten-Free Italian Vegetarian Kitchen is a collection of authentic Italian dishes with a vegetarian and gluten-free twist. Made with ingredients that you can find at most local supermarkets, you can use these recipes and advice to prepare healthy meals for any occasion and any time of day.
- More than 225 recipes for appetizers, soups, salads, breads, pizzas, panini, gnocchi, risotto, polenta, and other main dishes, brunch, and dessert - Dishes are specified as dairy-free, egg-free, lacto-ovo, dairy-and-egg-free, vegan, and/or low-carb - Tips and information on eating gluten-free - Nutritional analysis of calories, protein, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber for every recipe - A glossary of gluten-free specialty ingredients This is a gluten-free vegetarian cookbook-'with lots of vegan choices-'for anyone who is wheat intolerant but longing for the home-cooked goodness of Italian fare.
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