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Gloucestershire Folk Tales

Couverture du livre « Gloucestershire Folk Tales » de Nanson Anrhony aux éditions History Press Digital
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Gloucestershire's layers of story go back to the days of Sabrina, spirit of the Severn, and the Nine Hags of Gloucester. This collection of tales includes sky-ships over Bristol, the silk-caped wraith of Dover's Hill, and the snow foresters on the Cotswolds. They uncover the tragic secrets of... Voir plus

Gloucestershire's layers of story go back to the days of Sabrina, spirit of the Severn, and the Nine Hags of Gloucester. This collection of tales includes sky-ships over Bristol, the silk-caped wraith of Dover's Hill, and the snow foresters on the Cotswolds. They uncover the tragic secrets of Berkeley Castle and the Gaunts' Chapel, a lonely ghost haunting an ancient inn, and twenty-first-century beasts in the Forest of Dean. From the intrigue and romance of town and abbey to the fairy magic of the wild, here are thirty of the county's most enchanting tales, brought imaginatively to life by a dynamic local storyteller.

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