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Get Set for Teacher Training

Couverture du livre « Get Set for Teacher Training » de Skinner Don aux éditions Edinburgh University Press
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Is a guide to getting the most out of a teacher training course in the United Kingdom. It covers both primary and secondary teaching and is suitable for students following undergraduate, postgraduate or alternative routes. The book gives a clear idea of what to expect from such courses, how to... Voir plus

Is a guide to getting the most out of a teacher training course in the United Kingdom. It covers both primary and secondary teaching and is suitable for students following undergraduate, postgraduate or alternative routes. The book gives a clear idea of what to expect from such courses, how to succeed on them and so make the best possible start to a career in teaching. Written by an experienced, innovative teacher educator it reflects up-to-date policy and research, highlighting new ideas about assessment, learning styles and subject understanding.

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