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First Time For Everything (Mills & Boon Modern)

Couverture du livre « First Time For Everything (Mills & Boon Modern) » de Carson Aimee aux éditions Epagine

Jacqueline's new boss is none other than her best-friend's older brother, hot-shot lawyer Blake Bennington. His control freekery and his need to be always, always right would normally send fiery, unconventional Jax running a mile - but even she has to admit he looks edible in his bespoke suit!... Voir plus

Jacqueline's new boss is none other than her best-friend's older brother, hot-shot lawyer Blake Bennington. His control freekery and his need to be always, always right would normally send fiery, unconventional Jax running a mile - but even she has to admit he looks edible in his bespoke suit! She's quickly realising she's way out of her depth - but with this contained, experienced guy, trying to get him to lose his cool is just a little too tempting...

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