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Fair Play

Couverture du livre « Fair Play » de Jansson Tove aux éditions Epagine

Fair Play is the type of love story that is rarely told, a revelatory depiction of contentment, hard-won and exhilarating.
Mari is a writer and Jonna is an artist, and they live at opposite ends of a big apartment building, their studios connected by a long attic passageway. They have argued,... Voir plus

Fair Play is the type of love story that is rarely told, a revelatory depiction of contentment, hard-won and exhilarating.
Mari is a writer and Jonna is an artist, and they live at opposite ends of a big apartment building, their studios connected by a long attic passageway. They have argued, worked, and laughed together for decades. Yet theyve never really stopped taking each other by surprise. Fair Play shows us Mari and Jonas intertwined lives as they watch Fassbinder films and Westerns, critique each others work, spend time on a solitary island (recognizable to readers of Janssons The Summer Book), travel through the American Southwest, and turn life into nothing less than art.

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