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Explorers And Travellers

Couverture du livre « Explorers And Travellers » de Greely Adolphus W aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041982899
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

IF one should ask which is the most important river basin in the world,
there is no doubt that the Mississippi would be named, with its million and
a quarter square miles of area and its twenty-five or more billions of
aggregated wealth. Favored in climate, soil, and navigable streams, and... Voir plus

IF one should ask which is the most important river basin in the world,
there is no doubt that the Mississippi would be named, with its million and
a quarter square miles of area and its twenty-five or more billions of
aggregated wealth. Favored in climate, soil, and navigable streams, and
endowed with practically inexhaustible veins of coal, copper, iron, and
silver, feeding the world with its hundreds of millions of bushels of corn
and wheat, and clothing it by other millions of bales of cotton, it is hardly
so astonishing that within 217 years from its discovery by Joliet this
greatest of river basins should be the abiding-place of twenty-seven and a
half millions of people.

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