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Emotional Equations

Couverture du livre « Emotional Equations » de Conley Chip aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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In this age of uncertainty, many people feel like they're clinging to a dinghy amidst a perfect storm. But successful entrepreneur Chip Conley has discovered that by using simple word equations, it's easy to build the grit, insight, stamina and joy that allow us to become our best,... Voir plus

In this age of uncertainty, many people feel like they're clinging to a dinghy amidst a perfect storm. But successful entrepreneur Chip Conley has discovered that by using simple word equations, it's easy to build the grit, insight, stamina and joy that allow us to become our best, highest-functioning selves.

Joy = Love - Fear Anxiety = Uncertainty x Powerlessness Conley's equations are a simple yet profound way to help your emotions work for you. They are mantras that we can turn to for stability in times of uncertainly, reminding us to focus on the things we can change ('the variables') and leave the others ('the constants') alone.

Given the complex times we live in, people are looking for ways to distill some basic truths in life. Emotional Equations is a new, visual lexicon for mastering the age of uncertainty.

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