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El poder del yo soy

Couverture du livre « El poder del yo soy » de Osteen Joel aux éditions Faitwords
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Can two words give you the power to change your life? Yes they can! In the pages of his new book, bestselling author Joel Osteen shares a profound principle based on a simple truth. Whatever follows the words "I am" will always come looking for you. So, when you go through the day saying: "I... Voir plus

Can two words give you the power to change your life? Yes they can! In the pages of his new book, bestselling author Joel Osteen shares a profound principle based on a simple truth. Whatever follows the words "I am" will always come looking for you. So, when you go through the day saying: "I am blessed"...blessings pursue you. "I am talented"...talent follows you."I am healthy" heads your way."I am strong"...strength tracks you down. Joel Osteen reveals how THE POWER OF I AM can help you discover your unique abilities and advantages to lead a more productive and happier life. His insights and encouragement are illustrated with many amazing stories of people who turned their lives around by focusing on the positive power of this principle. You can choose to rise to a new level and invite God's goodness by focusing on these two words: I AM!

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