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Disaster-proof Your Career

Couverture du livre « Disaster-proof Your Career » de Patrick Forsyth aux éditions Kogan Page Digital
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The very nature of the modern organisational environment means that success is always to be laid primarily at your door; so too is failure. You have to get things right, and you may get no second chances. And this is as true of your career as it is of your job. Whatever your expertise at... Voir plus

The very nature of the modern organisational environment means that success is always to be laid primarily at your door; so too is failure. You have to get things right, and you may get no second chances. And this is as true of your career as it is of your job. Whatever your expertise at present, it is a fact that its nature and level will need to change. This may mean major extension if you are a newcomer to your chosen field, or it may mean what is better described as fine-tuning. Whatever it may necessitate, you must ensure that you are always "career-fit" now and at any time in the future.

Disaster-Proof Your Career looks at an aspect of what might be called active career management, at what makes the process manageable, and what makes it effective. If you want to become - or remain - successful, inaction is simply not an option. This essential guide gives tips on how to become secure in your existing job and role, advice on how to take on new challenges and appear an asset to your organisation, guidance on how to be desirable in the job market if you choose to move on to another employer and pointers on how to obtain fair and satisfactory rewards for what you do.

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