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Compliance skills - volume 1 - compliance office skills base

Couverture du livre « Compliance skills - volume 1 - compliance office skills base » de Le Cercle De La Comp aux éditions Editions Du Net
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In 2021, the Compliance Office deals with more and more topics and complexity: the fight against corruption, anti-competitive practices, economic sanctions, protection of personal data, respect for human rights and the environment and soon artificial intelligence. Multi-domain, Compliance is... Voir plus

In 2021, the Compliance Office deals with more and more topics and complexity: the fight against corruption, anti-competitive practices, economic sanctions, protection of personal data, respect for human rights and the environment and soon artificial intelligence. Multi-domain, Compliance is also multipolar: many foreign regulations impose the implementation of Compliance programs on the aforementioned topics. This is true not only of the United States and Europe, but also of many other countries, not least China.
Today's Compliance Director or Chief Compliance Officer must therefore not only have a 360° vision and understanding of all these issues, but also be able to adapt his or her programs to multiple jurisdictions, cultures and practices.
To do this, the Compliance Office, although often restricted and with limited budgets, must bring together many soft skills such as listening, open-mindedness, creativity, pedagogy, team management (with or without a hierarchical link) or adaptability.
This skills base will thus make it possible to determine both the expertise and profiles required, and the training and awareness-raising to be provided within the Compliance team. Ultimately, this methodology will make it possible to fill in the skills gaps and establish a truly tailor-made Compliance Office.

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