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Carnage Code

Couverture du livre « Carnage Code » de Don Pendleton aux éditions Worldwide Library Series
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Rogue Threat When the CIA intercepts a coded message that reveals the delivery of nuclear materials to Sudan, the U.S. decides to investiage this North African hot spot. Mack Bolan's hard probe exposes a renegade faction deep within the Sudanese government that's planning to nuke its Ethopian... Voir plus

Rogue Threat When the CIA intercepts a coded message that reveals the delivery of nuclear materials to Sudan, the U.S. decides to investiage this North African hot spot. Mack Bolan's hard probe exposes a renegade faction deep within the Sudanese government that's planning to nuke its Ethopian neighbors into oblivion--an event that could lead to global war. Bolan is greeted in a hail of bullets as he enters Khartoum with a young journalist and an old spy as backup. Going on the offensive, he must smoke out an enemy operating undercover in the country's law enforcement, intelligence and diplomatic agencies. With a lethal shipment of plutonium to track down, the Executioner wastes no time using the kind of hard-core diplomacy that gets the job done.

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