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Carers and their rights

Couverture du livre « Carers and their rights » de Francis Dr Hywel aux éditions Cargo Publishing Uk Ltd Digital
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Carers and their Rights is Carers UK';s definitive guide to carers'; rights to support from health and social services, as they care unpaid for ill, frail or disabled friends or family members. Written by solicitor and community care law expert Professor Luke Clements, this fifth edition... Voir plus

Carers and their Rights is Carers UK';s definitive guide to carers'; rights to support from health and social services, as they care unpaid for ill, frail or disabled friends or family members. Written by solicitor and community care law expert Professor Luke Clements, this fifth edition includes updates based on a number of statutory and case law developments since the last edition, implementation of the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004 and the Work and Families Act 2006, the impact of the Equality Act 2010 and coincides with the first tangible impacts of the Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010. As draft Bills have been published in both England and Wales to codify and update social care law this guide gives a comprehensive picture of existing social care statute which will be built on by the new legislation.

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