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Bloody British History Warwick

Couverture du livre « Bloody British History Warwick » de Sutherland Graham aux éditions History Press Digital
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Hundreds of dark and scandalous events have happened in Warwick over the centuries, from the murder of Piers Gaveston, the king's love, who was stabbed and then beheaded on Blacklow Hill, to the incredible histories of the Earl of Warwick. The Gunpowder Plot was formed here, and the castle's... Voir plus

Hundreds of dark and scandalous events have happened in Warwick over the centuries, from the murder of Piers Gaveston, the king's love, who was stabbed and then beheaded on Blacklow Hill, to the incredible histories of the Earl of Warwick. The Gunpowder Plot was formed here, and the castle's horses were stolen afterwards when the plotters made a desperate attempt to escape the King's wrath. Containing martyrs, murderers and corrupt officials, crimes, ghosts, prize-fighters and eccentrics, you'll never see the town in the same way again!

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