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Black architecture

Couverture du livre « Black architecture » de Sibylle Kramer et Dirk Meyhofer aux éditions Braun

Physically, black is defined as an (almost) complete absorption of all frequencies of light; it describes the impression of color when visual stimuli are missing. In many cultural contexts of the past and present, this "uncolored" color holds a special place: regardless of context, this special... Voir plus

Physically, black is defined as an (almost) complete absorption of all frequencies of light; it describes the impression of color when visual stimuli are missing. In many cultural contexts of the past and present, this "uncolored" color holds a special place: regardless of context, this special color is always met with great respect.
This is also true for the current and intense interaction of architects and designers with the color black. Black buildings seem majestic, filled with a special aura, and dominant, but they can also emphasize their surroundings precisely because of their lack of color. The projects presented in this volume show the great variety of approaches by the contemporary building culture to this fascinating physical and cultural phenomenon

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