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Anna Cleveland : I'm nobody! who are you?

Couverture du livre « Anna Cleveland : I'm nobody! who are you? » de Anna Cleveland et Carlotta Bertelli aux éditions Assouline
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Assouline
  • EAN : 9781614289654
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Monteverdi Tuscany presents a collaboration between model Anna Cleveland and photographer Carlotta Bertelli. I'm Nobody! Who Are You?, is a photographic diary set against the stunning backdrop of Tuscany capturing the beauty of a fortuitous encounter and the happiness that comes from expressing... Voir plus

Monteverdi Tuscany presents a collaboration between model Anna Cleveland and photographer Carlotta Bertelli. I'm Nobody! Who Are You?, is a photographic diary set against the stunning backdrop of Tuscany capturing the beauty of a fortuitous encounter and the happiness that comes from expressing your truest self. The title borrows from an Emily Dickinson poem whose words have become more beautiful, insightful and true over time- that beauty and happiness are internal qualities that live, thrive and rejoice in a place far below the surface.

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