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The Task and Other Poems

Couverture du livre « The Task and Other Poems » de William Cowper aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041987573
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

"The Task and Other Poems" is a collection of poems written by William Cowper, an English poet and hymnodist of the 18th century. William Cowper (1731-1800) was known for his reflective and contemplative poetry, as well as his contributions to the Olney Hymns.

Main Poem: : "The Task" is a... Voir plus

"The Task and Other Poems" is a collection of poems written by William Cowper, an English poet and hymnodist of the 18th century. William Cowper (1731-1800) was known for his reflective and contemplative poetry, as well as his contributions to the Olney Hymns.

Main Poem: : "The Task" is a significant long poem within this collection. It is one of Cowper's most famous works and is often regarded as a landmark in the development of 18th-century poetry.

Reflective and Descriptive Poetry: Cowper's poetry is characterized by its introspective and descriptive nature. "The Task" is particularly known for its exploration of nature, everyday life, and the poet's personal reflections.

Hymns and Religious Themes: In addition to his secular poetry, Cowper collaborated with John Newton on the Olney Hymns, contributing several hymns that became widely known in Christian worship.

Mental Health Themes: Cowper's life was marked by struggles with mental health, and his poetry often reflects his battles with depression and a deep sense of religious introspection.

Popularity: Cowper's poetry gained popularity not only for its literary merit but also for its accessibility and emotional resonance.

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