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The Frozen Toe Guide to Real Alaskan Livin'

Couverture du livre « The Frozen Toe Guide to Real Alaskan Livin' » de Bellinger Brookelyn aux éditions Sasquatch Books Digital
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The Frozen Toe Guide to Real Alaskan Livin' both embraces and instructs readers on everything one needs to know to be a true Alaskan, or at least to look the part. Combining both handbook format with anecdotal bits about the author's own experiences moving to the state, the book advises readers... Voir plus

The Frozen Toe Guide to Real Alaskan Livin' both embraces and instructs readers on everything one needs to know to be a true Alaskan, or at least to look the part. Combining both handbook format with anecdotal bits about the author's own experiences moving to the state, the book advises readers on such topics ranging from winter survival skills to regional fashion to Alaskan dating advice to extreme sports. Learn how to make ice cream from snow, or how to seek out a career in dog mushing. Find out where to travel for weekend trips, and what Alaskans do for entertainment.

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