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The Face Reader

Couverture du livre « The Face Reader » de Mccarthy Patrician aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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What if you could learn powerful insights into a person just by seeing his or her face? For 2,500 years, the science of Mien Shiang (pronounced myen-shung), or Chinese face reading, has given anyone who studies its form this incredible ability. Whether working with executives from Fortune 500... Voir plus

What if you could learn powerful insights into a person just by seeing his or her face? For 2,500 years, the science of Mien Shiang (pronounced myen-shung), or Chinese face reading, has given anyone who studies its form this incredible ability. Whether working with executives from Fortune 500 firms or readying the nations top attorneys to choose the ideal juries for their clients, Patrician McCarthy has built a reputation for her ability to help others determine a persons personality, potential, and inherent talents by analyzing his or her facial structure and features. Now McCarthy shares her understanding of this ancient knowledge with readers everywhere. Literally meaning face (mien) reading (shiang), mien shiang is a powerful means of both self-discovery and a way to understand others. Taoist ancients said, the face is a mirror that records your past, reflects your present, and forecasts your future.» McCarthy introduces five essential influences in our lives revealed by the face and enables you to interpret and understand these influences. With the practice of Mien Shiang, you will live in a harmony of mind, body, and spirit.

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