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The Cancer Lifeline Cookbook

Couverture du livre « The Cancer Lifeline Cookbook » de Smith Ginny aux éditions Sasquatch Books Digital
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After 30 years of providing counseling and support for people living with cancer, the Cancer Lifeline organization knows that one of the main areas of interest for patients and their families is food and nutrition. What foods have been shown to help prevent the spread of cancer? What are the... Voir plus

After 30 years of providing counseling and support for people living with cancer, the Cancer Lifeline organization knows that one of the main areas of interest for patients and their families is food and nutrition. What foods have been shown to help prevent the spread of cancer? What are the nutritional "rules" for people with cancer? In answer, this new edition of the organization's cookbook presents up-to-date nutritional information (including the Top Ten Super Foods that may protect and fight against cancer) along with practical strategies for making healthy eating a daily practice and suggestions for reducing the side effects of treatment. It features 100 easy-to-make recipes from the nation's top chefs and from some cancer patients and survivors, including Blueberry Breakfast Cake, Honey-Glazed Green Beans with Almonds, and Citrus Chicken. These resources and more make it a natural choice for cancer survivors, people living with cancer, and those interested in a health-conscious diet.

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