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This work offers a summary of the book «YES! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways To Be Persuasive» by Noah Goldstein, Steve Martin and Robert Cialdini.
When it comes to your ability to persuade others, sometimes just a small and subtle change can have a huge impact on your success in being more persuasive. In Yes!, the authors present 50 persuasion strategies which have been scientifically proven to work. Many of these strategies are disarmingly simple and easy to implement but they have all been validated and rigorously proven to work in the real world. If you understand and then properly employ these strategies, you will become more persuasive in your work, in your personal life and everywhere else.
Most people are perfectly comfortable relying on their gut instincts and therefore overlook the large body of research which has been carried out on persuasion. In Yes!, however, the authors argue that even people who consider themselves persuasion lightweights can learn to become persuasion heavyweights by understanding the psychology of persuasion and by using the specific persuasion strategies that have been scientifically proven to be effective.
Yes! Is therefore a very interesting and useful book for those that wish to learn to persuade efficiently.
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