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Power Score

Couverture du livre « Power Score » de Alan Foster Geoff Smart Randy Street aux éditions Profile Digital
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Whether on the sports field or in the boardroom, leaders and teams intuitively know what it feels like when things are going well. But how do you measure this: are things really as good as they seem, or is there room for improvement? And what should leaders really focus on to make a difference?... Voir plus

Whether on the sports field or in the boardroom, leaders and teams intuitively know what it feels like when things are going well. But how do you measure this: are things really as good as they seem, or is there room for improvement? And what should leaders really focus on to make a difference? Based on the most comprehensive leadership data ever collected through interviews with over 15,000 leaders, PoWeR Score reveals the startlingly simple method every leader can use to immediately improve their team's performance - and their own. It starts with asking the question 'Are we running at full power?' and goes on to ask all the questions you need to ask yourself and your team. The answers might surprise you. Breaking performance down into a team's PoWeR score - Priorities (goals), Who (the people helping you achieve them) and Relationships (leading and managing those people) - Smart, Street and Foster's intuitive guide will explain how you can use your score to increase your impact, help your team to perform better and enjoy your career to the full. Whether you're a CEO managing hundreds of people, a sports coach running a struggling team, or a manager with a team of just one or two PoWeR Score will help you attain 100 per cent.

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