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Pebble in the Brook: RehabDramatics and the Engagement of Drama Therapy in Nigeria

Couverture du livre « Pebble in the Brook: RehabDramatics and the Engagement of Drama Therapy in Nigeria » de Chukwudi Michael O. aux éditions Galda Verlag
  • Nombre de pages : 124
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : Sociologie
  • Thème : Sociologie
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Pebble in the Brook: RehabDramatics and the Engagement of Drama Therapy in Nigeria evaluates the unique challenges of engaging the performing arts in the education and rehabilitation of children and young adults with disabilities in Nigeria. The book provides information on the integration of... Voir plus

Pebble in the Brook: RehabDramatics and the Engagement of Drama Therapy in Nigeria evaluates the unique challenges of engaging the performing arts in the education and rehabilitation of children and young adults with disabilities in Nigeria. The book provides information on the integration of oral and performative art forms in Nigeria in engendering qualitative developments from challenged individuals and host communities.

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