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Ordinary Beauty

Couverture du livre « Ordinary Beauty » de Mcevoy Mary aux éditions Hachette Ireland Digital
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Well-known personality Mary McEvoy has always spoken honestly about living with depression. Through years of counselling and the practice of Buddhism she has learned to become more aware of her inner space and live with the good days and bad days.

In Ordinary Beauty: Meaningful Moments in... Voir plus

Well-known personality Mary McEvoy has always spoken honestly about living with depression. Through years of counselling and the practice of Buddhism she has learned to become more aware of her inner space and live with the good days and bad days.

In Ordinary Beauty: Meaningful Moments in Everyday Life she allows us an insight into some of the everyday moments that give her light and hope - from the line of freshly-washed clothes billowing in the wind, to a water hen crossing the yard at dawn she reminds us that for inner happiness and well-being we need to slow down in our lives, and take stock of the ordinary beauty that surrounds us every day.

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